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  • Sku: SCC980473
  • Vendor: Vivid

Vivid Flavour Fusion Flavouring 21ml Marshmallow


Product description

Vivid Flavour Fusion Flavourings are super strength flavourings for icing and batters. Ideal for use in Buttercream, Ganache, Cake Batter, Candy & Creams.

Vivid Flavour Fusion Flavourings are water-based emulsified flavours that won't bake out like traditional alcohol-based extracts. They are formulated to be the same strength as an extract,  so instead of being diluted in alcohol, its suspended in a water-base.

Vivid Flavour Fusion Flavourings can only be used in chocolate very sparingly as the water base will cause the chocolate to thicken. It is emulsified though, so chocolate will tolerate flavour fusion in small amounts. It is much better suited to chocolate fillings and ganaches

Check the attached guide (in photos) for how to use flavour fusions in batters and icings.

1 teaspoon of Flavour Fusion is equal to 1 teaspoon of baking extract

Use Approximately 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon per kg of batter, Microdose sparingly.

  • 21ml bottle Available in a wide variety of flavours. 

    Gluten Free
    Dairy Free
    Refined Sugar-Free
    Alcohol Free

Super strength flavourings for icing and batters that won't let you down! A wide variety of flavours are available. Check out the flavour packs of 5 flavours available. Take your baking to the next level.

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Vivid Flavour Fusion Flavouring 21ml Marshmallow


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